10.GRE Argument类作文题库双语版(Part 1)
11.GRE Argument类作文题库双语版(Part 2)
12.GRE Argument类作文题库双语版(Part 3)
13.GRE Argument类作文题库双语版(Part 4)
14.GRE Argument类作文题库双语版(Part 5)
15.Screen Directions for the Issue Task
16.Description of the Writing Assessment
17.Screen Directions for the Argument Task
18.Samples of Scored Issue Essays with Reader
19.Samples of Scored Argument Essays with Reader
20.Frequently Asked Questions about the GRE Writing Assessment

Directions for the Argument Task
Analysis of an Argument (30 minutes)
You will have 30 minutes to plan and write a critique of an argument presented in the form of a short passage.
You will be asked to consider the logical soundness of the argument. A critique of any other argument is not acceptable.
College and university faculty from various subject matter areas will read your critique and evaluate its overall quality, considering how well you do the following.
●Identify and analyze important features of the argument
●eOrganize, develop, and express your ideas
●Support your ideas with relevant reasons and/or examples
●Control the elements of standard written English
Before you begin writing, you may want to take a few minutes to evaluate the argument and to plan a response. Be sure to develop your ideas fully and organize them coherently, but leave time to reread what you have written and make any revisions that you think are necessary.
Directions for the Argument Task
For this task, you will read a brief argument and then discuss how well reasoned you find the argument. Note that you are not being asked to agree or disagree with the position taken or the conclusion reached by the argument. In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning in the argument. You should consider what, if any, questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and, if evidence is cited, whether it supports the conclusion. You can also discuss the sort of evidence that would strengthen or refute the argument, changes in the argument that would make it more logically sound, and whether additional information would help you to evaluate its conclusion.
本网站所有案例及留学文书作品(包括“个人陈述”Personal Statement,“目的陈述”Statement of Purpose, “动机函”Motivation Letter,“推荐信”Recommendations / Referemces “, (小)短文”Essays,“学习计划”Study Plan,“研究计划”(Research Proposal),“签证文书”Visa Application Documents 及“签证申诉信”Appeal Letter等等),版权均为嘉文博译所拥有。未经许可,不得私自转载,违者自负法律责任。
本网站所有案例及留学文书作品(包括“个人陈述”Personal Statement,“目的陈述”Statement of Purpose, “动机函”Motivation Letter,“推荐信”Recommendations / Referemces “, (小)短文”Essays,“学习计划”Study Plan,“研究计划”(Research Proposal),“签证文书”Visa Application Documents 及“签证申诉信”Appeal Letter等等),版权均为嘉文博译所拥有。未经许可,不得私自转载,违者自负法律责任。仅供留学申请者在学习参考,不作其他任何用途。任何整句整段的抄袭,均有可能与其他访问本网站者当年递交的申请材料构成雷同,而遭到国外院校录取委员会“雷同探测器”软件的检测。一经发现,后果严重,导致申请失败。本网站对此概不负责。